There are a handful of features for FalconView that should make it useful for the general public. We still support Shapefiles, GeoTIFF, and other popular GIS formats. We have the drawing overlay and the analysis tools for making your maps more useful. Also, we now support Google Earth KML / KMZ and Web Mapping Servers. A list of features, along with screen captures can be found here. Oh, and did I mention that my prized GIS Editor along with its source code is included?
Feel free to contribute to the project by writing plugin extensions for FalconView or by submitting improvements to Georgia Tech. The SDK is available on the web site along with a handful of other developer resources and examples. I'm usually glad to answer quick question for someone interested in coding for FalconView.
Download it and take it for a spin; just treat it gently while we work out the kinks.